Welcome to Holy Spirit

Parish Office Hours

Monday through Thursday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
8:00 am to 1:00 pm

The Bookstore is Open during regular Office hours.

Do you attend Holy Spirit on a regular basis, but have not yet registered with the Parish?

Click Here to Register

Mass Schedule

Saturday (Anticipated) 5:00pm
Sunday 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:45am
Masses in Spanish: 2:00pm and 6:30pm
Mass in Korean: 4:00pm 

Weekday Mass Schedule

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7:30am, 12:00 noon
Wednesday: 7:30am & 7:00 pm (Bilingual)
Friday: 7:30am

Confession Schedule

Wednesday– 5:00 pm ’til 6:45 pm
Saturday – 3:00 pm ’til 4:45 pm

First Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart

First Friday of each month
Confession at 10:30AM
Holy Mass at 12:00 noon (English) and 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Confession (bilingual) prior to 7:00 PM Mass

Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Learn more about Perpetual Adoration at Holy Spirit

Would you like to sign up for a Holy Hour in the Chapel?
To sign up for current Adoration times or 
sign up for future dates or
put your name on the substitute adorer list, 
visit our online sign up portal,
and follow the following steps:
Click the WEEKLY COMMITMENT button
2) Choose a day and hour, click SIGNUP
3) Enter your Contact information and click the SIGNUP button.

FORMED – The Catholic Faith On Demand. Click the link for movies, study resources and more.

Get to know the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama by clicking the link below.

Find the daily readings for Mass, Prayers and other resources at USCCB.ORG.

Diocesan Catholic Charities Appeal

Aid those in need, educate and form people in the Catholic faith, and exercise good stewardship of our God-given gifts and resources. An annual gift to Catholic Charities and Communities advances the work of diocesan ministries of outreach and mercy and evangelization. Invest today to serve and to evangelize in the Diocese of Birmingham, being Christ to others. To make a pledge or contribute online, visit CatholicCharities@bhmdiocese.org